
Economics of the global era, 2022

Place: VU Amsterdam 

Lecturer: Pieter Gautier 

Level: Undergraduate

Role: Teaching Assistant

An Introduction to Economics, 2020-2022

Place: VU Amsterdam 

Lecturer: Pieter Gautier 

Level: Undergraduate Minor 

Role: Teaching Assistant

Macroeconomics I, 2021

Place: VU Amsterdam 

Lecturers: Dennis Bonam 

Level: 1st year undergraduate 

Role: Teaching Assistant

Mathematics for Economics & Finance, 2017-19

Place: OnCampus, University of Amsterdam 

Level: Undergraduate Foundation 

Role: Teacher

Advanced Macroeconomics, 2020-2022

Place: VU Amsterdam 

Lecturers: Pieter Gautier, Dennis Bonam 

Level: Postgraduate 

Role: Teaching Assistant 

Macroeconomics III, 2020

Place: Tinbergen Institute 

Lectures: Pieter Gautier, Eric Bartelsman 

Level: Postgraduate 

Role: Teaching Assistant

Mathematics for Engineering, 2015 & 2016

Place: University of Southampton 

Level: 1st & 2nd year undergraduate 

Role: Teaching Assistant